Boards & Commissions

Official Boards and Commissions of the Borough of Marcus Hook

The Borough of Marcus Hook has been extremely fortunate to have concerned citizens who are willing to volunteer their time, energy and expertise to serve the community as members of our various Boards and Commissions.

Marcus Hook has approximately 53 volunteers who actively serve our municipal government in every facet of community service from planning, zoning and historic preservation issues to a Recreation and Park Board and a Shade Tree Commission, to name a few.

Marcus Hook is an involved, high-spirited community whose citizens are proud to claim their Borough as progressive, and historically and culturally unique. As citizens with a stake in the Borough’s future, the members of the various Boards and Commissions take their responsibility seriously.

This handbook provides brief descriptive material on each of the citizen Boards, Commissions and Committees of the Borough. It is designed to further familiarize all on the vast scope of our Boards.

As you may know, by legislative mandate, there may be specific requirements for certain appointments. For example, factors such as geographical distribution and professional or occupational disciplines may be relevant. For questions or additional information, please call the Borough Manager’s office at 610-485-1341 or contact any member of Borough Council.

Copyright © 2006 Borough of Marcus Hook, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, US. All Rights Reserved.