Public Hearing - Zoning Text/Map Amendment

Marcus Hook Borough Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, at the Marcus Hook Municipal Building, 1111Market Street, 5:30 PM, via telephonic phone call, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to publicly discuss and review the application submitted by Duke Realty Limited Partnership, to amend the Marcus Hook Zoning Ordinance and official Zoning Map to include property on the southern side of Tenth Street and between Marcus Hook Creek on the east and the Conrail Linwood rail spur on the west, having parcel ID numbers 24-00-00638-00, 638-08, 638-09, 638-11, 638-13, 638-14, 638-15, 638-17, 638-12, 638-18, 638-19, 638-20, 638-21, 638-22, 638-23,638-24, 638-25, 638-26, and 638-28, to be rezoned to an Industrial Transition-2 zoning district and to include standards for warehouse, e-commerce fulfillment/delivery center and or similar storage facility use.


If there are public comments for Borough Council, they can be submitted via email to or by calling the Municipal Building at 610-485-134 prior to the meeting.


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