Code Enforcement Complaint Form

The form on this page can be used to submit any concerns you may have regarding code enforcement issues (such as buildings in poor or dangerous condition, trash scattered on properties, or excessively high grass or weeds, animal complaints). All complaints will be reviewed and investigated. Please note, when you submit a complaint, it will not be resolved the same day. The code enforcement officer needs to investigate the complaint, issue a letter to the property owner detailing any violation and allow a prescribed amount of time for the owner to resolve the violation. So please be patient. We recognize that the issues you report here may be cause for stress, consternation, annoyance or just be general eyesores. However, the Town must follow its ordinances. You can also choose to remain anonymous. Please either email the form to, or bring it to the Municipal Building at 1111 Market Street, Marcus Hook, PA 19061.  For more information, please check out the Marcus Hook Borough Code eCode360 on our Home page.


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