Marcus Hook's Community Day/125th Anniversary Celebration was a Success!

The Borough of Marcus Hook held its Community Day/125th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, June 24th, 2017 at the Marcus Hook Community Center, sponsored by Sunoco Pipeline.  At first the weather looked ominous, however around mid-morning on Saturday, it cleared up to make way for a beautiful summer day.  We were extremely lucky to have such a great turnout, along with having a "star-studded" cast to speak at the event, and even have the Marcus Hook Trainer Fire Department on hand with their trucks.  The speaking list included Dave White, Delaware County Council, Senator Tom Killion, State Senator 9th Senatorial District, Representative Patrick Meehan, U.S. Congressman 7th Congressional District, Joe McGinn, Senior Director Public Affairs, and Curt Weldon, Former U.S. Congressman and Mayor of Marcus Hook.  Bruce Dorbian performed "MC" duties, and recognized all current and former Marcus Hook Mayors and Council in attendance.  After the speaking event, we raffled off 26 baskets and bags, so graciously donated to the Borough by many businesses in town.  It's not often we can all come together as a Community to celebrate a great milestone such as an 125th Anniversary, however Saturday was certainly no disappointment.  Thank You to all who came and celebrated, and Thank You to those who helped in any way to make Saturday a success!
Copyright © 2006 Borough of Marcus Hook, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, US. All Rights Reserved.