Borough of Marcus Hook, PA. Full service municipality in southeastern Pennsylvania located midway between Philadelphia and Wilmington seeks qualified applicants for the position of Borough Manager. This highly visible and responsible position reports directly to Borough Council. Managerial responsibility includes municipal administration of a staff of full and part-time employees as well as a $4M operating budget, along with a special fire, debt service, capital expenditure, and liquid fuels budget. Requires BS/BA with major in public administration or related field.Masters in Public Administration and/or prior municipal experience a plus.Requires responsible administrative and management experience, strong accounting, financial management and budgeting skills, economic and community development, grants & project management experience, & ability to communicate openly & successfully with elected officials and citizens.Manages day-to-day operations of the town. Ideal candidate is a dynamic, collaborative leader with exceptional interpersonal & consensus-building skills. Interested candidates should send a letter of interest, resume, salary requirements, and three professional references to: Borough of Marcus Hook, 1111 Market Street, Marcus Hook, PA 19061, or email