Marcus Hook Police Department - Examination for Police Officer

competitive written civil service examination for the position of police officer will be held on Thursday, April 8th, 2021 at 6:00PM at the Marcus Hook Community Center, W. Delaware Ave, Marcus Hook, PA 19061.  The examination will onlbe given to persons who submicomplete antimely application.


Applicants must appear in person with Photo ID and a validrivers license to the Marcus Hook Borough Building, 1015 Green Street, Marcus Hook, PA, Mon. thru Fri., ONLY, between the hours of 9:00AM and 4:00PM to obtain an application. A completed application, with a $35 non-­refundable application fee MUST be returned by the applicant no later than 4:00PM, March 19, 2021.




  1.                 United States citizenship.
  2.                  Birth Certificate, high school diploma or equivalent, valid photo ID and honorable military discharge(if applicable) must be presented at the time of filing the application and must be originals or certified copies.
  1.                  Must be 21 years old at time of application.
  2.                  Must be physically and mentally fit to perform the duties of a Police Officer.
  3.                  Must be of good moral character.


Any applicant failing to meet any of these requirements will be declared ineligible to take the Civil Service ExaminationOther mandatory components of the test are an oral examinationa fitness test, a background check, a medical examination, and a psychological examination.




Competitive Salary and BenefiPackage

The Borough of Marcus Hook is an EOE/RA Employer.


Brian Mercadante Chairman

Civil Service Commission

Copyright © 2006 Borough of Marcus Hook, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, US. All Rights Reserved.